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Past Events from March 26, 2021 – May 6, 2021 – The Project Solvers of America, Inc.

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Microsoft Project Fundamentals – April Class (Virtual)

This is a virtual, instructor-led course. Upon registration, you will receive a zoom link to access the class. Your instructor is Angelo Arcoleo, PMP. Topics Covered: Pre-Project Creating a profileSetting default options Starting the project Creating new projectStarting a project from a templateAdjusting the project calendarCreating tasksCreating a WBS/Outline StructureCreating dependenciesInserting/deleting tasks Working with Resources Building a team using enterprise resourcesAssigning resources to tasksAssigning a…


Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Prep Virtual Live Class


Time until registration closes: 00Days 00Hours 00Minutes 00Seconds We are so confident in our results that we will pay for a re-test if you don’t pass**! Few training companies offer such guarantees, but we do.Project Solvers, a Project Management Training Alliance (PMTA) Certified Training Provider (CTP) that is headquartered in Rochester, NY,  is providing you with a phenomenal Project Management Professional (PMP)® and Certified Associate in…
